I find AWS CloudWatch very useful when it comes to monitor system/application logs. CloudWatch service provides a friendly UI to search inside your logs. Also it offers very flexible way to select logs of specific date or date range.
What I m trying to do
I will try to explain how it s easy to install and configure AWS CloudWatch on my EC2 instance and create Alarms on the logs.
- EC2 instance running ubuntu machine 16.04
- awscli must be installed and configured.
Basic Steps
- Download and Install aws CloudWatch agent on our machine
- Setup the Cloudwatch Agent
- Configure an alarm
1. Instalation
Amazon makes the installation of the CloudWatch agent very easy.
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-cloudwatch/downloads/latest/awslogs-agent-setup.py
2. Configuration
- make sure you run the command as root.
MY_REGION : is the region of your running EC2 instance ( for example : us-east-1 )
- there are two way of configuring the CloudWatch agent, either using the interactive mode or non interactive mode. let’s start with the interactive mode.
Interactive Mode:
sudo python awslogs-agent-setup.py -r MY_REGION
You will prompted to fill some details
- AWS Access Key ID : write or paste your Aws Access ID and hit enter.
- AWS Secret Access Key : the same goes for secret keys. (you can get always get news keys from the IAM console).
- Default region name : region name in this case it will be the name of region we put in the command.
- Default output format [None]: leave it blank unless you have another format.
- Path of log file to upload: the absolute path of the file you want to monitor, for example [/var/log/syslog].
- Destination Log Group name : This allows you to group your logs by name, you can you create different groups for your logs for instance ( staging, production, … ).
- Last thing is the stream name, you can you instance ID or custom.
Non Interactive Mode:
- first you need to create a file with the following configuration, we you use this file in the next command.
state_file = /var/awslogs/state/agent-state
file = /var/log/syslog
log_stream_name = syslog
log_group_name = stage
datetime_format = %b %d %H:%M:%S
initial_position = start_of_file
sudo python awslogs-agent-setup.py -n -r MY_REGION -c CONFIGURATION_FILE
- after the instalation go the following direcotry [/var/awslogs/etc] and make sure that [aws.conf] has your access ID and secret key. aws.conf must look something like this
aws_secret_access_key = dtfgyuhbjnkjfyghjk4567895678hgjhhjlkjh
region = us-east-1
cwlogs = cwlogs
- then restart the aws logs agent
sudo service awslogs restart