Finally I purchased a Raspberry PI, I have to admit that this device is very power full and there is so much you can do with it. Once I complete any project I will share with you the complete Tutorial. As for now I’m going to explain how it is easy to setup a raspberry Pi and Install OS .

What I’m trying to do



Basic Steps

1.Download and Prepare OS

In this tutorial we will install Raspbian which is the most common and recommended OS for the Raspberry pi.

Raspbian comes with two flavors :

In this tutorial I will only explain the instalation of Raspbian. as I mentioned before, it is the most commonly used. other OS installation would be almost the same.

  1. First you need to download the OS from the official website; you can download from direct link and torrent.
  2. Once downloaded, unzip the downloaded archive, to get the .img file.
  3. Download and install the software that will write the OS image to the SD card. I highly recommend using Etcher to copy that image. it works in all platforms (Linux, Mac and Windows)


  1. Select the image and hit flash.

2.Installation of OS

Now your Raspbian image is ready, it’s time to put that sd card in the raspberry pi and power on.

The card reader is in the bottom of the raspberry PI. see the picture below.

Inserting SD card in Raspi

Also make sure that your mouse, keyboard and HDMI cable are connected to the raspberry pi.

3.Basic Raspbian configuration

Depending on which version of OS you have chosen, the installation workflow is pretty much clear and straight forward.

After finishing the installation, there is a some basic configurations you need to make. these configurations are optional, but highly recommended after a fresh install.


$ sudo raspi-config

Raspiberry-pi configuration

Raspiberry-pi configuration

$ passwd

4.Extra configuration

Remote Access

This is optional, but personally i like to access my raspberry pi, when I m not home. to do this, first I fix an address IP to the raspberry pi using my router configuration (DHCP configuration).

Then I enable port forwarding on port 22, which is the default port for SSH connection.

I also enable port forwarding on port 5900, which is the default port of VNC connection.

My configuration on my router looks like this

SSH VNC Port forwarding : is the local ip of my raspberry pi. you can get the ip address of your raspi by running

$ ifconfig

The ip address is inet addr depending on which interface you used to connect.

so instead of sshing to my raspberry pi using the local ip of my network

$ ssh rasp@

I run the following

$ ssh rasp@ is the public ip of my home network. note if you don’t have a static/public ip, this ip address will change every time you restart or disconnect your router.

The same goes for VNC.


As our raspberry pi open to public (internet), we might want to protect it more carefully. I know that we have already explained how to change the username and password, but that’s not enough. We need something more secure, than a plain username/password.

To achieve this we have to use SSH authentication using a permission file.

First we need to create a public and private key.

On your raspberry pi run the following command ssh-keygen -t rsa, click enter for default file path, and enter for empty passphrase.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/pi/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/pi/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/pi/.ssh/

Now we need to copy the content of the public key and save it into the host machine (Not the raspberry pi).

$ cd ~/.ssh
$ cat

Copy the content of and go to your machine (my Macbook, in my case)

$ cd ~/.ssh
$ echo "copied content" >

And now login to your raspberry pi using the public key

$ ssh -i mypi@

Enjoy working with your raspberry pi.

I will try to post some articles of Raspberry project I make.